Plan Fam Trips FAQ

Why Use Plan Fam Trips?

  • Connect travel suppliers, tour operators, and agents efficiently
  • Discover unique familiarization trip opportunities
  • Streamline the process of organizing and participating in fam trips
  • Expand your professional network in the travel industry

How to Use Plan Fam Trips

For Travel Agents:

  1. Create an account and complete your profile
  2. Browse available fam trips
  3. Apply for trips that interest you
  4. Communicate with suppliers through our platform
  5. Attend fam trips and grow your expertise

For Travel Suppliers and Tour Operators:

  1. Create a partner account and set up your company profile
  2. Create and publish fam trip listings
  3. Review and approve agent applications
  4. Manage trip details and communicate with participants
  5. Gather feedback and build relationships with agents

General Questions

Q: Is there a cost to use Plan Fam Trips?

A: Plan Fam Trips offers free basic use to support tourism development. Premium features are available for a fee to help us continue improving the platform.

Q: Can you book trips through the platform?

A: Currently, the platform facilitates connections and communications. We're working on introducing booking features in the future.

Q: I'm a travel influencer or travel media - which account should I sign up for?

A: Sign up for a travel agent account, then identify as media/influencer and provide your credentials for verification.

For Hosts/Suppliers/Tour Operators

Q: How are suppliers and tour operators vetted?

A: To join Plan Fam Trips, partners must share their business license, tourism affiliations, and company details.

Q: How many trips can I post?

A: Partners can post 2 free trips. Additional postings are available with our premium offerings.

Q: What if I don't have specific dates for a trip?

A: You can indicate on your profile that you're open to custom fam trips, allowing interested agents to reach out.

Q: How can I ensure the agents attending my fam trip are qualified?

A: All agents are vetted. You can review their profiles, including credentials and sales data, before approving participation.

Q: Can I offer different types of fam trips?

A: Yes, you can offer various types including traditional fam trips, educational trips, and virtual experiences.

For Travel Agents/Sellers/Media

Q: How are agents vetted?

A: Agents must provide registration numbers, credentials, and past year's sales data for verification.

Q: How many fam trips can I apply for?

A: There's no limit, but we encourage applying only for trips aligning with your business goals and client base.

Q: What if I need to cancel my participation in a fam trip?

A: Each trip has its own cancellation policy. Prompt communication is encouraged to minimize disruption.

Q: Can I request a custom fam trip for a specific destination?

A: Yes, you can search for and reach out to suppliers open to custom fam trips in your desired region.

Q: How can I make the most of a fam trip experience?

A: Engage fully, network with participants and hosts, document your experience, and plan how to incorporate learnings into your sales strategy.