Host Preparation for Fam Trips: 10 Tips To Ensure Your Success

August 27, 2024 | Category: For Tour Operators & Suppliers

A successful fam trip can lead to new business opportunities and more travelers, a win-win for all involved. 


Getting to the finish line and enjoying those rewards, however, is a different story. That’s why it’s important to treat preparing for a fam trip a bit like a runner might for a marathon: with preparation.


At Plan Fam Trips we specialize in facilitating these invaluable trips, bridging the gap between hosts and travel agents to elevate the entire industry. 


Still, we know that can be easier said than done, especially when communicating across time zones and, in many cases, with people and businesses you’ve only just met.


To help ease the process, we’re sharing 11 tips to help travel suppliers prepare for a fam trip that leaves a lasting positive impression.

Understanding Fam Trips

Before diving into preparation, let's quickly define what a fam trip is. 


Familiarization trips are complimentary or reduced-rate trips offered to travel industry professionals, such as travel agents, tour operators, or travel writers. With the way social media is taking over the world, that can include travel influencers as well.


The purpose is to familiarize these key players with your destination, property, or service, enabling them to better sell or promote it to their clients or audience.

1. Pre-Trip Planning: Define Your Objectives

Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve with this fam trip. 


Are you looking to:

  • Introduce a new property or destination?
  • Highlight recent renovations or new features?
  • Build stronger relationships with key travel partners?
  • Generate buzz for an upcoming season or event?


Having clear objectives will guide all your subsequent planning decisions.

2. Select the Right Participants

Not all travel professionals are the right fit for every fam trip. 



  • The type of travelers they typically work with
  • Their sales volume or influence in your target market
  • Their specialization or niche in the travel industry


Choosing the right participants ensures that your efforts yield the best possible return on investment.

3. Create a Detailed Itinerary

Your itinerary should balance showcasing your best features with allowing time for participants to explore and form their own impressions. 



  • Key attractions or experiences
  • Meals at signature restaurants
  • Behind-the-scenes tours or exclusive access
  • Free time for personal exploration or relaxation


Remember, while you want to show everything, avoid overscheduling. Quality experiences often leave a more lasting impression than quantity.

4. Setting Clear Expectations

One of the most crucial aspects of fam trip preparation is setting clear expectations with participants. 


This begins with a pre-trip agreement or contract that outlines:

Photography and Social Media Guidelines


Whether you’re working with influencers, travel writers, or travel agents, it's essential to have clear guidelines about what can be shared on social media during and after the trip. 



  • Do you want to encourage real-time sharing, or prefer participants to wait until after the trip?
  • Are there any areas or experiences that are off-limits for photography?
  • Do you have specific hashtags or accounts you'd like participants to use?

5. Participation Requirements

Clearly communicate what you expect from participants during the trip. 


This might include:

  • Attending all scheduled activities
  • Participating in group discussions or feedback sessions
  • Completing post-trip surveys or reports

6. Post-Trip Expectations

Outline what you hope participants will do after the trip, such as:

  • Writing blog posts or articles about their experience
  • Featuring your destination in their newsletters or on their website
  • Providing testimonials for your marketing materials
  • The potential for a business partnership, and how to organize this


By setting these expectations upfront, you ensure that all participants understand their role in making the fam trip a success for everyone involved.

7. Preparing Your Team

Your staff plays a crucial role in the success of a fam trip. 


Ensure they're well-prepared by:

  • Briefing them on the importance of the fam trip and its objectives
  • Assigning specific roles and responsibilities
  • Training them on how to handle questions and showcase key features
  • Ensuring all team members are familiar with the itinerary and any special needs of participants


Remember, your staff's enthusiasm and knowledge can make a significant impact on participants' impressions.

8. Showcasing Your Best Features

A fam trip is your opportunity to shine. 


Plan to showcase:

  • Your unique selling points
  • Special experiences that set you apart from competitors
  • Behind-the-scenes access that participants can't get elsewhere
  • Meetings with local experts or notable figures that add depth to the experience


Consider how you can make these experiences interactive and memorable. The more engaged participants are, the more likely they are to remember and recommend your offering.

9. Managing the Experience

During the trip, focus on:

  • Creating opportunities for networking and relationship building among participants
  • Balancing structured activities with free time
  • Being prepared for contingencies and unexpected situations
  • Ensuring participants' comfort and addressing individual needs promptly


Remember, how you handle unexpected situations can leave as much of an impression as your planned activities.

10. Follow-Up and Post-Trip Engagement

The end of the fam trip isn't the end of your relationship with participants. 


Plan for:

  • Immediate follow-up with thank you notes and any promised materials
  • Collecting feedback through surveys or one-on-one conversations
  • Ongoing communication to keep your destination top-of-mind
  • Support for participants as they begin to promote or sell your offering

All That’s Left Is To Host A Great Fam Trip!

Preparing for a fam trip requires significant effort, but the payoff in terms of increased bookings, positive word-of-mouth, and stronger industry relationships makes it worthwhile.


By carefully planning each aspect of the trip, setting clear expectations, and focusing on creating memorable experiences, you set the stage for a successful fam trip that benefits both you and the participants.


Remember, a well-executed fam trip is an investment in your future success. By following these guidelines and partnering with experienced facilitators, you can create an experience that resonates with participants long after they've returned home, turning them into enthusiastic ambassadors for your destination or service.


Need help finding travel agents to bring on your next fam trip? Sign up at Plan Fam Trips!

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