Fam Trips for Travel Agents: How Often Should You Go?

August 27, 2024 | Category: For Travel Agents & Sellers

One of the most important qualities of a good travel agent is knowing what you’re selling. One of the best ways to learn more about the place you’re selling, that new hotel, or the company that works there… is to actually go! 

That means one of the most effective ways for travel professionals to keep their knowledge fresh and their recommendations authentic is through familiarization trips, or "fam trips." 

But just like bigger isn’t always better, more isn’t always better, either.

At Plan Fam Trips, we're dedicated to connecting travel agents and suppliers, facilitating these invaluable experiences that bridge the gap between product knowledge and first-hand expertise. 

But a question we often hear is: "How often should I be going on fam trips?" 

The answer depends on you. But today, we can help you figure out what that answer is by exploring the factors that influence the ideal frequency of fam trips for different types of travel professionals.

The Value of Fam Trips: More Than Just a Free Vacation

Before we discuss frequency, let's remind ourselves why fam trips are so important.

Imagine trying to sell a gourmet meal you've never tasted or a movie you've never watched. 

Sure, you could describe the ingredients or recite the plot, but your recommendation lacks the passion and authenticity that comes from personal experience.

Fam trips provide:

  1. First-hand experience of destinations and products
  2. Networking opportunities with suppliers and other agents
  3. Insights into the latest industry trends and new offerings
  4. Rich content for marketing (those sunset photos from the beach aren't going to take themselves!)

For instance, an agent specializing in luxury travel to the Maldives would gain invaluable insights from a fam trip to the region. 

They could experience the subtle differences between resorts. More than learning the logistics of activities like the best times for dolphin watching, they can describe the emotions of seeing them burst through the water, playing. 

And even better than being able to say which overwater bungalows offer the most privacy is being able to describe the peace and quiet they felt. 

This kind of detailed, first-hand knowledge can significantly enhance an agent's ability to sell these destinations effectively.

Factors Influencing Fam Trip Frequency

Now, let's address the main question: how often should you go? 

Here are the factors that come into play:

  1. Type of travel professional: An independent agent has different needs and constraints compared to a tour operator or an OTA representative.
  2. Specialization and niche markets: A Caribbean specialist might need more frequent trips to keep up with new resorts, while an adventure travel expert might require fewer, more in-depth experiences.
  3. Years of experience: Newcomers to the industry might benefit from more frequent trips to build their knowledge base quickly.
  4. Business goals and growth plans: Expanding into a new market? You might need to increase your fam trip frequency temporarily.
  5. Budget and time constraints: Let's face it, even "free" trips have costs in time away from your business and other expenses.

Recommended Fam Trip Frequency: One Size Doesn't Fit All

Let's break this down by different types of travel professionals:

Independent/Solo Agents

For solo operators, fam trips are both a blessing and a challenge. Every day away is a day not spent booking, but without these trips, providing the level of expertise clients expect becomes difficult.

Recommendation: 2-4 fam trips per year, focusing on core destinations or new areas of expansion.

Strategy: Plan trips during shoulder seasons when booking activity is slower. Use virtual fam options to supplement in-person experiences.

Boutique Agency Employees

In a high-end boutique agency setting, coordinating fam trips among team members is fundamental. 

A strategic approach might involve dividing destinations among staff - for example, one agent might explore new Mediterranean cruise options while another investigates emerging Asian destinations.

Recommendation: 3-5 fam trips per year per agent, coordinated across the team to maximize coverage.

Strategy: Create a team calendar for fam trips, ensuring key destinations and products are covered without leaving the office understaffed.

Tour Operators Who Also Sell

Tour operators who also act as travel sellers have a dual focus. They need to scout new routes for their own tours while staying familiar with partner offerings that complement their products.

Recommendation: 4-6 fam trips per year, balancing trips to develop your own products with those to experience partner offerings.

Strategy: Combine scouting trips for your own products with fam trips in the same region to maximize travel efficiency.

OTA Representatives

For those working with large online travel agencies, the challenge lies in balancing breadth with depth. 

With a vast array of products from budget hotels to luxury cruises, it's impossible to experience everything personally.

Recommendation: 2-3 major fam trips per year, supplemented with numerous short, focused trips and virtual experiences.

Strategy: Focus on benchmark properties and experiences in key destinations. Use these as reference points for understanding and selling a wider range of options.

Maximizing the Value of Fam Trips

Regardless of how often you go, making the most of each trip is crucial. Here are some tips:

  1. Set clear goals: Before each trip, define what you want to learn or achieve.
  2. Prepare thoroughly: Research the destination and prepare questions in advance.
  3. Participate actively: Engage with hosts, ask questions, and try everything (yes, even that adventurous local delicacy!).
  4. Implement effectively: Have a plan for how you'll use your new knowledge in your business.

Balancing Fam Trips with Other Professional Development

Remember, fam trips are just one tool in your professional development toolkit. Balance them with:

  1. Virtual familiarization options
  2. Industry conferences and trade shows
  3. Online training and certifications

Overcoming Obstacles: Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Common obstacles to fam trip participation include financial constraints, time management issues, and personal commitments. 

Here are some strategies:

  1. Financial: Look for sponsored trips, save a percentage of your commissions for fam trips, or consider it as a business investment and plan accordingly.
  2. Time Management: Use slow periods for trips, combine personal travel with fam opportunities, or do shorter, more focused trips. This can also help you secure more cost-effective flights.
  3. Personal Commitments: Plan well in advance, involve your family occasionally (turning it into a bleisure trip), or use virtual options when travel isn't possible.

How Plan Fam Trips Can Help

At , we're committed to helping you optimize your fam trip strategy:

  1. We can help match you with the right fam trips based on your specialization and business needs.
  2. Our network of suppliers ensures a wide range of options, from boutique experiences to major destinations.
  3. We offer resources for pre-trip preparation and post-trip implementation to maximize your ROI.

Invest in Your Expertise

In the end, the right frequency for fam trips is one that balances your need for current, first-hand knowledge with the practical constraints of your business and personal life. 

Whether you're aiming for monthly short trips or a few extensive experiences each year, remember that each fam trip is an investment in your expertise and your business.

In the travel industry, your knowledge is your product. Fam trips are not merely a perk of the job - they're a fundamental part of delivering value to your clients.

Have other questions? Reach out to us at Plan Fam Trips and let us know how we can help.

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